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  • Writer's pictureShyam Bhagat

SfD - Trip to SERIS

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

This December, the members of Solar for Dover visited SERIS, the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, where we met Stephen Tay, the director and adjunct professor Stephen showcased some of SERIS’s initiative and passion for solar energy and its implementation in Singapore. We learnt about Singapore’s complicated landscape of residential housing: from multi-tower condominiums to large collections of HDBs, and how SERIS aims to tackle each instance individually; HDBs were previously considered to have no use in generating solar energy for Singapore. A Q and A session brought up thought provoking questions pertaining to organic solar cells, architecture and methods of improving solar cell efficiency.

Next, we took a look at SERIS’ control room, where data from over 30 locations in Singapore is monitored to ensure effective and efficient utilization of energy and resources.

After the tour ended, we were glad to here that SERIS was also excited to collaborate with us on Solar For Dover's own endeavors at UWCSEA. With SERIS' passionate team and incredible resources, we are excited to work with them in the future! Stay tuned!

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