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Dover's Solar Arsenal - Statistics and more

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Here you can see for yourself the power generated by our school's solar panels whether its daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. We will update this part of our page when there are all-time highs for power production


For a donation of 600 Singapore Dollars, you can adopt a full panel. Alternatively, you can adopt parts of a panel for 100 Singapore Dollar denominations. We would also greatly appreciate donations of any size, even if it means it is below 100 dollars. These gifts can be made online here. The impacts of adopting a single panel are as follows:

Emissions Saved per Panel

3,499.17 kg of CO2 will be saved from emission into the atmosphere per panel (Assuming 0.4244 kg CO2/kWh emission factor provided by the Energy Market Authority)

Emissions Saved per Dollar

Each dollar contributed itself saves the emission of 5.83 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere.


Additionally, these are some statistics for our project as a whole:

Total Yield Over Lifetime

9,316,823 kWh

Emissions Saved Over Lifetime

3,954,059.68 kg of CO2 will be saved from emission into the atmosphere over the system’s lifetime

(Assuming 0.4244 kg CO2/kWh emission factor provided by the Energy Market Authority)

Peak Projected Annual Yield of Full System

402,563 kWh in a single year, saving on 7% of the school’s energy expenditure and the emission of 170,847.73 kg of CO2.

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